Essential Newborn Care for Midwives
Master the foundational skills and knowledge for effective newborn care, ensuring safe and supportive experiences for mothers and infants in midwifery practice.
Apprenticing Basics: AWWMT 202/206
Master essential skills in AWWMT apprenticing. This course covers foundational concepts and practical applications to prepare you for real-world challenges.
AWWWMT 210 Labor Birth
Students learn the normal physiological process of Labor & Birth
Newborn Vital Signs
This course will provide a comprehensive guide for correctly assessing vital signs in newborns, interpreting the results, and identifying when intervention may be necessary.
Maternal Vital Signs
The course will cover the normal ranges of maternal vital signs, how to measure them accurately, and what changes in vital signs may indicate maternal and fetal distress.
Basic Doppler Use
This course will provide birth workers, student midwife, etc. with basic doppler knowledge and skills required for the use of the maternal Doppler in pregnancy and labor.